Welcome to my portfolio! I specialize in digital brand and web design.


The NVIDIA Shield TV

I bought two Apple TVs (3rd generation) when they came out. One for my living room and one for my bedroom. At the time I thought they were amazing. Sure, I was locked into the Apple infastructure, and since my phone ...

Choosing the Right Bike

I had done it. I had moved to the suburbs from the city. Now I needed a bicycle. When I lived in the city, I found it challenging to be athletic outdoors. It felt too congested. So now, everything had changed. There ...

Operation: Mindfulness

We as Americans are more overworked than any other country in the world. That’s what studies tell us. However, I have to wonder how this is possible when all iPhone’s are made in Chinese factories by the modern-day ...


Welcome to my website! Here you’ll find a list of projects I have worked on and services I offer. You’ll also be able to read my journal where I write about subjects that interest me. Thanks for stopping by!


Feel free to contact me should you have any questions.

Chicago, IL

Email: alexscozia@gmail.com


For more information on freelance digital services I offer, please visit scoz.design