Welcome to my portfolio! I specialize in digital brand and web design.

alex scozia

Bitcoin, Blockchain, and the Future

If you haven’t heard of either Bitcoin or Blockchain by now, you live on Mars and I want to congratulate you for entering the human interwebs and finding this modest blog. Seriously though – it’s everywhere. ...

The NVIDIA Shield TV

I bought two Apple TVs (3rd generation) when they came out. One for my living room and one for my bedroom. At the time I thought they were amazing. Sure, I was locked into the Apple infastructure, and since my phone ...

Choosing the Right Bike

I had done it. I had moved to the suburbs from the city. Now I needed a bicycle. When I lived in the city, I found it challenging to be athletic outdoors. It felt too congested. So now, everything had changed. There ...

Operation: Mindfulness

We as Americans are more overworked than any other country in the world. That’s what studies tell us. However, I have to wonder how this is possible when all iPhone’s are made in Chinese factories by the modern-day ...

Two Weeks in Japan

We had landed in Tokyo. I had always wanted to visit here and one of the main reasons being is that Tokyo Design always ranked among my favorite design styles. The simplicity and ability to merge contrasting colors ...


Welcome to my website! Here you’ll find a list of projects I have worked on and services I offer. You’ll also be able to read my journal where I write about subjects that interest me. Thanks for stopping by!


Feel free to contact me should you have any questions.

Chicago, IL

Email: alexscozia@gmail.com


For more information on freelance digital services I offer, please visit scoz.design